Creative handmade decorate the walls with butterflies

 Creative handmade decorate the walls with butterflies

How to Decorate the walls with butterflies - Decorate the walls of your home whether it is the living room, living room or house walls that you think would be great if plus a decoration, not necessarily expensive and do not have to use wallpaper. The use of wallpaper will make you more spending money and also the shortcomings of the wallpaper itself is Wallpaper can only be used once only and you can not be moved around.

Decorate your walls are cheap and can be replaced if you're feeling bored is not another by attaching a few pictures on the walls of the room. In addition will make the room is beautiful, the decor of this room makes the room you no longer feel empty. Decorating the walls of the room to make your room more alive than ever.

Decorating the walls with butterflies

Creative handmade decorate the walls with butterflies

Creative handmade decorate the walls with butterflies

There is a simple but pretty good way for you to apply in decorating the room is a wall decoration using a butterfly that you created yourself, as shown above. To make it not hard and not expensive. The things you need to do to make decorating walls with butterflies are as follows:

Make some butterfly pattern on cardboard, (color and number of butterflies can be customized to your taste), then scissors are then patterns using double stick tape on the wall. Now it's time for you to decorate the walls of the room with a butterfly that you created. taraaaattt, The result was amazing. Congratulations to create
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